It is not often I blog about something someone has said to me.
Okay, maybe it is. However, it has been a while since I have written any blog posts. There are many reasons for the lack of writing, although, the main one is a severe lack of original content. It's all well and good that I write constantly, but I don't wish to bore my readers by repeating the same issues and concerns, even if those issues and concerns repeat in my head.
I went away for a few days last week and found out some information I don't think I should have ever been told. Apart from this information causing me to have, yet another, breakdown it has perhaps fuelled an anger that I have been trying to quash for some time.
So what the hell did I find out?
An ex-boyfriend told a good friend of mine that he was concerned about her sons safety in my presence. For instance, if i should look after her son, would I be capable without being a danger to him?
There are many responses to this, especially from me. However, it has taken quite a few days for this comment to really sink in, grab hold and rip out my fragile stability.
Now, I am a nervous wreck in need of tenderness but unable to let anyone know just how much this comment hurt. I am partly afraid this comment may be true. There are many times I am sad and not coping and I don't think that would be healthy for a two year old to see.
While I would never, NEVER, hurt him I still do not think seeing someone emotionally collapse would be beneficial to his life.
So here I am, conflicted yet again. I am angry that this person should say such horrible things about me, when I have neither said anything mean nor negative regarding him. If anything I have put aside my immense anger at being used and remained supportive of him. Okay, so he perhaps didn't know that I was being supportive as I never spoke to him, however, I never said anything so cruel, mean and just disgusting like he has done. Instead, I shall vent on my website and thus equates the tit for tat. (Please note, the last sentence was sarcastic.)
Perhaps there is some small merit of payback by writing on here, however names are never mentioned and unless you know me and know my life you will never know whom I am speaking of. So where is the payback if no names are mentioned?
Anyway, here I am wondering if his hurtful words are indeed true and if they are, how will I ever allow myself to be around anyone, let alone a two year old, ever again?
To you this may be a stupid reaction and partly I agree with you, however, partly I do not, as I do not trust nor like myself enough to be able to reassure myself that I wouldn't ever hurt or subject a child to something they should never be subjected to.
It hurts me to know that someone else thinks so low of me that they feel like they should say something like this. It also hurts that I should find out, as silly as that sounds. If you think about it, had I not have known the comment was said I wouldn't be having this particular breakdown. Mind you, I would just find something else to be sad and worried about.
Have you ever had your stability ripped out from under you which has made you question everything?