Let's Get It Started

Quick readers note While I can be serious and the content of my blogs are serious, I still have a sense of humour. Part of dealing with the stigma's and the struggles of BPD, for me, is to be able to laugh at myself and at life. I will keep most things as light hearted as possible because I do not intend to preach to anyone. The whole idea behind the blog is to try and explain, teach and give an insight of what it's like living with a mental illness. Cheers! Raz

So I've done some research (even if it is ony preliminary and basic I'm sure those of you who would like to do further reading will be able to find more links!) about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I'm a little biased and for that I apologise! I am going to start with my disorder because, well let's face it, I know a little bit about how it feels!!

I spent some time yesterday scrolling through google search results trying to find articles, webpages and just generally anything that is either remotely interesting, factual and true about BPD.

My top pick for BPD is:


I found the website to be particularly useful as a starting point to understanding BPD. At the end of the page there are additional links for further reading as well as a really good explanation of what BPD is and the symptoms.


A lot of people will feel that they can relate to the symptoms of many disorders. That does not mean that everyone has a mental illness or is "screwed up". If you are concerned about possibly having any kind of disorder talk to your GP first before making any serious or rash decisions.

This blog is not about self diagnosis. That's dangerous and can lead to far more problems than actually living with a mental illness.

Raznay's personal entry

Each day is a struggle for me. Some days I will wake up and wish I were not awake, that somehow I had miraculously drifted off into the underworld while I slept. Those days are generally the worst and are the days I am more likely to "lose touch of reality".

People around me find me to be "moody" and "grumpy", often joking that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. In some ways they are right!! I am grumpy and moody that I woke up at all!!

However, there are days when things are "normal" (well, as far as they can be for someone like me) and I look forward to what I'm going to do that day! Today is one such day!

I have so many thoughts racing around in my head of what I want to achieve with writing my blog. I just hope that I will be able to keep myself motivated so I can attempt to raise some awareness about mental illness!

Today will be filled with challenges for me! Simple things like making sure I eat or having a shower and getting dressed, can be some of the hardest things to do. Most people don't think about it, they just do it!! It is a part of their routine so they just get on with it. Sometimes for people like me, it's not part of a routine but can feel like a pointless activity.

What is the point doing those things? No one cares about me so why should I care about myself?

A lot of the time it's thoughts like that which will stop me from doing a lot of things. Luckily, today is not one of those days! Although I do have to remind myself to go and make some breakfast!!

I hope this random collection of facts and experience gives you some insight!


Raznay ^_^

All comments are appreciated. Please do not use offensive language as this is a public blog. I would really love to hear your stories and experiences if you would like to share them. R


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