The Hospital part 2: Before the worst

I'm in hospital. St John of God, Burwood.
The nurses put me into a shared room. I panic about it and explain that unless they're going to drug me I won't be able to sleep.
I was told there's nothing they could do, I would need to deal with it. Nice, my first night in hospital and I was already getting special treatment.
I figured there wasn't point arguing with them that night. I mean it was a big day, emotionally draining and I was sincerely hoping I would sleep, even if it was just from pure exhaustion.
I didn't sleep that night.

Luckily I was moved into a single room the following day. I got to stay in that room for 16 days. Wow. A whole 16 long days. How very exciting!!

The food:
I was in hospital so the food was never going to be great, or even decent. I, at least, was used to this particular part of hospital. It doesn't matter which hospital, in any state or territory, the food is always a step up from eating cardboard.

At St John of God the food even had fancy names, and different cuisine each day. La di da. *Insert eye rolling here*

The ward:
St Francis Unit.
It was clean. I can't say it was comfortable, I would've much preferred to stay at the Hilton or some other fancy new chic motel. I don't want much. Really.
Oh, I even had my own bathroom. Score!

The "WiseMind" program:
This was the challenging part. A new way of dealing with all my strangeness and incredibly annoying behaviour. Oh please, you know what I'm talking about!
I learnt a lot. I learned a little. I learned that when I feel like crap, I already start the process of DBT.
All this could be airy-fairy rubbish to you. I guess it doesn't help that I won't go I to the boring details (they really are that boring), so you know...

Well that about covers the three weeks. Coming up next, the traumatic discharge.


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