Cats, Weather and How Gorgeous I Am

Ever feel like you want to say something but aren't sure exactly what it is you want to say?
Well, that's where I'm at right now. I have this burning desire to write this blog post but no idea what I want to say.

I suppose I could talk about the weather, but since we have online weather reports you can actually see what the weather is like all over Australia.

I could ramble on about my life and how angry, sad, depressed and crazy it makes me. But it wouldn't take long to look at my previous posts to see all that.

There's always the option of dissecting a disturbing news articles, whether it's serious or just plain ludicrous. But that is so rarely interesting it even makes me yawn just contemplating it.

I could go into detail about how gorgeous I am and why everyone should love me. But you already know that and I really wouldn't like to preach.

I suppose I could find something to actually be passionate about and write all kinds of inspirational and challenging posts. But I already do that on the Here Comes Trouble blog.

I could potentially take photo's of my cat, Titan, and gush about how adorable he is. But Titan is camera shy and won't let me share how adorable he is. I suppose that's sweet in a way, almost as if he's exclusively adorable for me.

There's always the avenue of writing about food; restaurants or raving about some recipe. But seriously, could you see me writing a post like that?
No, I didn't think so.

Or maybe, I could spend an entire post running through the possibilities of things to write in a post. Actually, that sounds like a rather good idea!


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