There comes a time when even those who never want to change, do inevitably change and while I don't resist change like some I never thought this day would come. There may be other blogs later on or other websites or something else entirely. Right now, this minute, this blog has done what it was meant for. I've told my story and there's nothing left to write; here.
I will continue to write, it's who I am, but I won't share my writing. The rest is yet to be written and it's for my eyes only. I could be bitter and mean and say it's because no one else deserves my words, and while part of that is true it's not all there is. I shared myself and my journey so others would know what it's like to live in my world. I shared because I thought I was doing something good, maybe not always nice, but good. These posts, my life, means no more than a leaf falling from a tree in autumn. It's so small, so meaningless in comparison to the world.
My dear blog, I won't delete you; not this time. You are a part of me, whether we wanted to be linked or not. You will remain here, to teach those who wish to learn and to show those who wish to be see.
To you, the reader, there is no happy ending here. Look somewhere else for that guilty pleasure.
Goodbye my Blog. Keep safe from all those that will hurt you, abuse you and those who will say you don't mean anything. You'll always mean something to the one person you were meant for.
Fare Thee Well, My Friend.
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