
Some of you know how I've been feeling lately, some of you don't. For those that don't I'll succinctly put it like this: I'm in a really bad place and very sad.

I've been consumed with anger lately. Anger directed at my mother. Not the kind of anger that one feels when frustrated by something another has done. This anger is 25 years of rage, building up, consuming me until I snap. I think I'm about to snap.

Not a lot of people know the full story behind my illness. Even fewer people know what happened to me. Let's not beat around the bush, I'm going to tell you my memories. Turn away now if you are soft of heart.

To this day I still don't know just what would set her off. She would be fine one minute and the next she would be this evil, devil-like monster screaming at me telling me that I am useless, pathetic, if I had half a brain I would be dangerous, among other things. If I didn't cry at this point I would only get the verbal abuse. However, I was a child and my reaction was to cry. That's when the beating started.

A lot of you reading this will roll your eyes and suggest that I'm making this up. I used to be hurt by the lack of care people show, but now, well, let's just say I know what happened to me. I dream it still, her voice is now my inner voice that tells me I am stupid.

My mother used to pull my hair, smack me, kick me, throw anything in arms reach at me. It was always body blows so I wouldn't have any marks on my face. I would spend my time curled up in a ball, crying, hoping like hell it would stop soon. I couldn't tell you how long each beating lasted, they all felt like an eternity for me.
The beatings went on until I was 15 years old.

After each beating, when she'd stormed out of my room and slammed the door, I would grab my teddy bear and crawl into my cupboard. I would sit with my back against the corners so she couldn't sneak up behind me and hurt me. It was during this period that I learned to cry silently. My teddy bear would be drenched in tears before I would whisper, angrily, how stupid I was for not being a better child. I would repeat everything she said to me as if I was confirming everything she said were true. I couldn't stay hidden for long because she always came back for a second beating. I always hoped she wouldn't.

There was one particular time I remember my dad being home. Stupidly I thought he would help me. I screamed out to him when she started beating me. I knew I would be hurt more for even thinking to call out to him. He. Ignored. Me.
Instead he sat on his beanbag, drinking his beer and watching the football or something on TV. It was at that moment I knew I was done. I was broken and nothing was ever going to change that. The two people who made me, hated me.

Sometimes I would dream about my "real" family coming along to save me. It was a fantasy that I was adopted. I'm not. I would rock myself to sleep some nights thinking of my "real" family and how much they must love and miss me. They would find me... One day.

So I hear you thinking "why didn't you tell anyone about the abuse?"
That's easy. I couldn't tell anyone. For one thing I was an only child and it never occurred to me that what they were doing (or not doing in my father's case) was wrong. Secretly I never thought anyone would believe me anyway. We moved around a lot so I had no adult figure whom I could turn to. It was always just them.
Once I thought about running away and telling the police. I ended that thought abruptly when I realised the police wouldn't believe me and the thoughts of the severe beating I would get for telling anyone scared me senseless.

There were so many instances that I can't recall where my trust, love and innocence were stolen from me.

So here I am, a screwed up 25 year old, living with the person who abused me and unable to do anything about it. (That's a post for another day.) Sometimes when things are bad in my head I am a lot harder to talk with, I do tweet and FB status my moods. I know a lot of people can't understand, accept nor do they care what I'm going through. It's selfish of me, but I need to get it out... Somehow.


Anonymous said...

I do care what happened to you should never have happened your dad should have done the right thing by you and stopped your mum from beating.

I may not say it but I deeply feel for you and it saddens me to think someone could be so cruel and nasty like that to their only child.

Unknown said...

Thank you Anonymous, your comments are greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

15 years of beating and being told ya stupid or a disappointment is good for no child.It can happen where one can over come the pain and mental abuse and simply say i forgive you.In some cases it is not as simple as that and that is where one must snap,But the reaction of this could end bad for either party.For you i believe you should forgive you mother and father cause that will kill them on the inside and make them feel as u do now,To know after all they have done to you that you are a strong lady.What they did is wrong and yes they should be to blame, but for you to be a better person maybe you should say i forgive but i will never forget.People will not agree with this, but i believe it is right as i will be doing the same to my olds.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry if I sound rude here, I do not mean to. The beating stopped when I was 15. I endured 20 years (that I can clearly recall) of abuse. The physical abuse stopped after 10 years.

I would very much like to "stick it" to my parents by forgiving them, however I don't think they'll find that as a bad thing. You see, my parents would think that everything would seriously be forgiven and forgotten. They do not understand the complexities of what you suggest.

Thank you so much for your thoughts. It is definitely not something I will discount. Who knows, maybe in time they will understand the meaning of my forgiveness?


Anonymous said...

How can one forgive "parents" (and I use that word loosely) for what they have done to this child?

Raz, my heart breaks for you for what you had to endure growing up. I have a 11 yo son and so being a mum who can't even begin to understand why another person would want to do this to their own flesh and blood makes me want to stab *someones* eyes out.

You write so beautifully Raz. I felt like I was there in the cupboard with you, hearing you sob.

I truly hope that one day, you will be at a place of comfort and peace.

Hugs to you girl!

Love "downunderchick" ;o)

Auslady said...

Renee, thanks for the blog ... your words give me a window to parts of your story ... sharing your life makes some meaning to mine, I love you and I hear you, I admire your ability to put into words some of the things you see and feel, in short you are someone I love, take care angel

Unknown said...

"Downunderchick" Thank you for your heartfelt comments. I could not imagine you ever being evil and stabbing someone, so you paint a very vivid picture of how angry this makes you. Thank you.

It's very strange, or perhaps not, but having someone understand, respond and CARE takes away the pain. If only for a few minutes.

Perhaps I'm trying to find validation in others. Le sigh.

Thank you again xxx

Unknown said...

Auslady, I love you. You know why. You are amazing and I am truly grateful you are my friend. xxx

KiwiSpud said...

Hi Renee, I love that you are able to share via this (and other) blogs your feelings and articulate your life and experiences through words. As you are aware, my beloved Auslady and I Love and Care about you greatly and consider you as part of our family. You know you will always be welcome in our home.

Unknown said...

KiwiSpud, thank you. I care about you and Auslady greatly and am honoured to be considered part of your family. Even though things are hard right now, your family is a breath of fresh air to me. It's a wonderful place to be. Thank you xxx

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